Felicia Pierson

Board Secretary-Treasurer

As Senior Director of Community Investment at TREC Community Investors (TREC CI), Felicia Pierson is responsible for The Real Estate Council’s community investment strategy.  She brings her passion to delivering capital and technical assistance to underserved populations and utilizing her skills and talents to support community and economic development initiatives in low and moderate-income communities. 

Felicia brings more than a decade of community development, small business development, and underwriting, and 9 years of corporate credit and risk portfolio management experience to her role with TREC CI.  Her work with Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) and SBA lending includes positions with several CDFIs in North Texas and the Bay Area in California, and in corporate banking with several multinational institutions in New York.  Through her community development work, Felicia has established close relationships with elected officials, commercial banks, credit unions, economic development agencies, CDFIs and CDCs, and community partner organizations in Northern California and North Texas. 

She holds an MBA from the Stern School of Business at New York University and a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Southern University.  She earned an Economic Development Finance Professional Certification from the National Development Council, participated in the Ross Minority Program in Real Estate at the Lusk Center for Real Estate at the University of Southern California, and completed the CRA Fast Track Analyst Program.

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