We want to hear from you! The DeSoto Development Corporation is excited to roll out its Business Retention & Expansion survey available now through the end of March.
The DeSoto Development Corporation has developed a detailed online survey to learn more about the City’s existing business base. Responses received from owners and decision makers will help shape future strategies and objectives so that we can best serve our business community. The questionnaire will take approximately 10 minutes and respondents have the option of viewing and completing the survey in English, Spanish.
All information collected through this survey will be held in confidence and used ONLY for the purpose of crafting local responses to economic development.
To take the survey please visit https://bit.ly/DESOTOBIZ or scan the QR code:
We look forward to working together to build a dynamic, even more vibrant All-American City. For additional questions please contact Antoine Long at along@desototexas.gov.